Welcome to Healing Animals


Diane offers courses, products and consultancy to help like-minded people to understand their animals and enable natural treatment of animals with self selection.


Diane studied and trained through the Ingraham Academy in England


Zoopharmacognosy workshops, animal communication and talks


Get in touch for consultations or workshops or purchase our products

A mix of animal communication and self-selection

Zoopharmacognosy enables self-medicative behaviour by animals by offering plant extracts that would contain the same, or similar constituents to those found in an animal’s natural environment and more. The practice encourages an animal to guide its own health and give them the opportunity to forage on medical plants.

"Diane, you have such incredible energy when you work with animals.”

What people are saying about their experiences

Thanks again for your reading. You are such an integral yet delicate link for us and our companions! The strength you harbour is inspiring and I can only hope one I find the same strength so I too can be a link to many!
Thank you so much. I know every reading you do has impact but the last one packed a punch. Thank you for translating for us. My relationship with him can only improve and would not have had if you didn’t translate. I would probably have tried to force it (as the trainers urge us too) and I would have broken us.
Words cannot describe how thankful I am for the help you gave us yesterday. It was fascinating to find out all that much information can come from our animals and what they select and possibly why, it’s incredible. Keep on doing your awesome work.

Energy Medicine for Animals

The Bioenergetics of Animal Healing

A full-color, practical handbook on the bioenergetics of animal healing, with case studies to showcase the effects of vibrational medicine.

  • Reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs.
  • Demonstrates how to use High Sense Perception (HSP) in relation to an animal, illustrating what happens in the energy fields of a human being and an animal when  they connect telepathically.
  • Details how zoopharmacognosy, or animal self-selection of remedies such as essential oils, can assist in promoting emotional release and physical healing.

Diane Budd

Click on the links below to purchase the book.

The book is available locally (South Africa):

  • Loot
  • Bid or buy
  • Exclusive Books
  • Wordsworth books

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