Diane Budd is a sought-after animal communicator and healer. Her mission is to bridge the gap in understanding between animals and their human companions. She studied Metaphsyics and completed Zoopharmacognosy through the Ingraham Academy (UK). Currently, Diane offers workshops on animal communication, animal healing, and zoopharmacognosy.
Zoopharmacognosy gives the animal the choice to select his or her own natural plant extracts and remedies as they would do in the wild. A variety of different oils, minerals and clays are offered to the animal, based on the symptoms displayed – behavioral and/or physiological issues. By doing so, the animal has the opportunity to restore its health and self-medicate.
Her book, ENERGY MEDICINE FOR ANIMALS, investigates Bio-energetics of Animal Healing. Vibrational medicine offers a natural, effective, and hands-on response to animal ailments and disturbances.
In this book, Diane shares her intriguing journey, research, and experience of working with animals energetically. She documented the effects of animal communication and healing on the energy field of the animal and the communicator. She reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs. She also describes what benefits energetic healing work can offer to animals. Diane offers private consultations to help like-minded people to understand their animals and enable natural treatment of animals with self selection.
Contact: http://healinganimals.co.za/